The Artful Grief Open Art Studio©
Collage ~ Painting ~ Masks ~ Altered Books ~ Dolls ~ Memory Boxes



Mask Making

Altered Book


Memory Boxes
The Artful Grief Open Art Studio is a safe space for survivors of loss to explore their grief journey, as well as those who are interested in addressing life’s challenges in creative waysMy home studio is a richly appointed art making sanctuary, stocked withartmaterials that supporta variety of creations, such as: Collage, Painting, Dolls, Altered Books, Healing Sticks and Memory Boxes. Whether you are a curious novice or a seasoned artist, the studio will meet your needs during specially scheduled three to four hour workshops. Cut, paste, paint, stitch and/ or weave together your experience, harness your imagination and with it, all the healing potential and possibility it contains.No artistic talent is required, only the willingness to be present and in the moment.
An initial intake evaluation and several individual sessions are necessarybefore joining the Open Art Studio Group.Registration is required and payment is expected at the time of the workshop.
Collage is a simple yet powerful creative process of gluing words, images and/ or found objects onto both twoand three-dimensional surfaces. It is a very welcoming and accessible technique, for everyone can open a magazine and relate to the words and images before them. Learners are invited to cut, tear and organize what they are drawn to into a tangible form of their experience. Magazines, scissors and glue are provided in the studio. Learners are welcome to bring your own favorite magazines, special papers, photos and additional ephemera.
Painting: Artful Alkimie
This art therapy methodology is inspired by creative expressions that reach across time and culture. Etched images on cave walls, Pointillism, the Papunya Tula School of Australia’s Western Desert, and contemporary abstract painters speak to our impulse toward storytelling.The canvas is the landscape of story and itself the storyteller, it provides proof, contains relics of the past, and activates a living history.Restorative Retelling, Meaning Reconstruction and Art Therapy anchor the work as learners stand on the ground of their narratives.The Artful Alkimie, painting modality, creatively engages the world of duality, so often implicit in our stories. Narratives finds expression in abstract inner landscapes that are externalized, painted on canvas and overlayed with distinct dots of color. Patterns and symbols create a safe, calming container for the restorative work. The canvas is the ground of the retelling with story forms and complexities that loosen and dissolve as new stories emerges. No artistic talent is required.
Mask Making
Mask making is an ancient, universal tradition, and an art therapy modality for survivors of death and non-death loss who often struggle with shattered life narratives. Many need to reinvent roles and identities, and rebuild self-esteem as they strive to construct a cohesive life narrative. Mask making can foster meaning reconstruction and assist with the daunting task of bereavement. Masks simultaneously reveal, conceal, and memorialize, they provide a unique vehicle for the expression, exploration, containment, and integration of loss. Learners are asked to bring a paper matchet mask form, while decorative materials are provided, as paint, markers, feathers and beads. No artistic talent is required.
Doll Making
Dolls as unique objects are carved, shaped, bound and stitched into the fabric of our collective history from ancient to modern times. We share an inherent human need to create for a variety of purposes, from deep play to healing. Create a doll of your choosing, one of personal reflection and symbolic of self or one which commemorates a lost love and explore your continuing bond. A soft pliable muslin doll form is required, as well as: lace, trim, yarn, buttons and a variety of personal fabrics and/ or personal articles of clothing, yours and/or your loved ones. The fabrics are cut and torn, deconstructed and reconstructed into a lasting, loving and tangible object.
Altered Books
An altered book is a new or used book that is taken and transformed through a variety of creative processes, including but not limited to: painting, cutting, collaging, stitching and gluing. Use the pages of the book as a springboard for creating a completely new and personal story. The pre-existing art and text in the book may serve as inspiration and often leads to free association and greater creative possibilities and explorations of your journey. A variety of books are available in the studio, but most participants bring their own new or used book to alter.
Memory Boxes
Memory Boxes are safe containers that protect and hold memories, secrets, narratives, and emotions. They provide a space for creating, storytelling, exploration and documentation. A boxof any shape or sizeis requiredand may be painted, decorated, collaged, and drawn upon. Choose the inside for more hidden and intimate content while the outside may display a more external focus. Precious mementos may be safely stored inside.
Sharon Strouse, MA, ATR-BC, LCPAT
10709 Pot Spring road
Cockeysville, Maryland 21030
410 667-9384 Home
410 456-4374 Cell